What is Learning?

There are many perspectives and definitions of learning in the world. But according to me
“Learning is directly proportional to your success or value provision to society.“
Without learning, you can’t provide any value to society and money comes from human society, So as we say, there is ‘EARN’ in ‘LEARN’
without learning, you can’t provide value to society or our specie and without providing value, you can’t earn.
If we go in the depth of our earnings, No matter who you are teacher, Entrepreneur or a politician, You will find it’s all about value provision.
Let’s take an example –
Alex is a teacher in high school and John is an Entrepreneur.
Alex’s salary is $1550 per month, and that is his all source of income, But John’s monthly income is $50,000 per month.
Now we think here that is because of profession. All entrepreneurs earn more. But did you ever think, WHY??
No it is not because they have high ground or something.
Because they provide value in many fields,
& how they do that? By having knowledge about it.
& where and how the knowledge comes from?
By LEARNING, they love to learn. While others think studies are learning and after college you just have to find a job & get settled.
No this is not the case, Once Elon Musk said-
College is unnecessary since “you can learn anything you want for free”. The purpose of college is to introduce discipline in someone by getting them to complete “annoying homework assignments” and spending time with people of the same age group before joining the workforce. Colleges are for “fun and to prove you can do your chores, but they are not for learning,”
-Elon Musk
Actually you can learn at any stage of life, and get what you want.
In Hindu mythology, there are three goddesses-
- Saraswati- Goddess of Knowledge.
- Laxmi- Goddess of Wealth.
- Durga- Goddess of Power.
& they are the sequentially worshiped. & I think it is logical.
Knowledge gives Wealth & Wealth gives Power.
We always focused on Knowledge rather than learning, & learning is important to get knowledge.
Why only few people get success-

We know that, our knowledge is important to execute. And as we discussed knowledge comes from learning. But I see in surroundings, mostly people hate to learn some are just want to apply and execute and some just don’t want to learn not because they don’t have time only because they have an easier excuse to fit there.
For example-
You want money to cover your dream but, the way of earning money is your job, you have some knowledge of drawings, You eventually get the job, But you don’t like to learn new skills about money, you don’t know how money works? & you are just executing things again and again because you have an easier option — your job and the wrong mentality about learning, you think, reading books and attending a lecture is learning. This is the most common wrong perception about the Learning I encounter.
People think if they complete the college and have the degree then you are done with learning.
No!!! Learning is now starting. Till now, you were just having fun with math or your subjects. But the real game is starting now.
You already put down your weapons and surrendered towards life. Only because either you fear to starting your life over or you have an easier option which is keep fastening you with your comfort zone.
Psychology of Learning-

In psychology there are many theories which teaches how to learn anything faster and effectively in our life. Some important theories are-
Motivation Theory of Learning
John William Atkinson‘s motivation theory argues that people are motivated to achieve their best. This motivation is in part moderated by two different sources: the desire to succeed as well as the fear of failure.
Another motivational theory is Allan Wigfield’s and Jacquelynne Eccles‘s expectancy-value theory which states that motivation is moderated by one’s desire for success as well as the importance of the tasks one needs to do.
Goal theory is another related theory. Learners usually have two types of goals: learning mastery goals (e.g. learning a new concept) and performance goals (e.g. being first place). This theory suggests that mastery goals are more effective than performance goals as a motivator Source- Wikipedia
Constructivism is a philosophical perspective that argues that much of what one learns and understands about the world is constructed.
Constructivists believe that knowledge is created within and reject the idea of pre-existing scientific knowledge waiting to be discovered. With that in mind, constructivists argue that learning needs to be structured so that they challenge students to make sense of new knowledge.
There are two categories in constructivism
Cognitive constructivism,
Social constructivism, Source- Wikipedia
Information Processing Theory-
Information processing theories focus on the ways information is collected, analyzed, and stored in the human brain. Source- Wikipedia
Social cognitive theory-
Social cognitive theory proposes that much of human learning occurs through the social environment Source- Wikipedia
Behaviorism views knowledge as a collection of behavioral responses towards different stimuli in the environment. In behaviorism, learning is promoted by positive reinforcement and reiteration. Source- Wikipedia
The neuroscience of learning focuses on the relationships among the central nervous system, learning, and behavior.
How to learn Anything 10X faster & Efficiently-

As we know the learning is earning, and these some tips can give you sharp edge to learn faster efficiently-
1. Measure Smaller successes-
When you learn then don’t indulge yourself into a big process in which you only think of final success. Instead, chunk this work into some parts and then focus on the success of that chunks, when you successfully complete every chunk, your work is also done successfully.
For example- Let’s say two persons are doing sales work.
First person only thinking of final success and if he can sell, then he is successful but if he is not then he doesn’t know what is wrong.
On the other hand, second person chunk that selling
- If customer talking to him for 30 seconds and above?
- If he is telling offers and policies to the customer properly.
- Customer taking the offer?
- Customer paying off?
In the second person process, He divided the work into 4 parts, and when something go wrong then he can improve it. But in first person’s process there are no chunks, so he will never know what gone wrong.
Same happens in learning if you learn something as a whole you can’t learn anything but if you learn it by making chunks and learn it successfully then you can shorten the learning curve.
2. Learn one thing at a time-
We have a habit to handle multiple tasks at the same time even we can’t even complete them. We give our mind multiple jobs at a single time, that our mind get confused and we can’t even do a single job properly.
Let’s take an example- You are learning about trading, and learning about day trading, Now you start learning, after sometimes you saw candle-chart, you don’t know about it, you marked that, afterwards you saw 4 types of traders and candle table used in . So you started learning about both of them. You overloaded the mind and after sometime you quit the learning
Instead of that you can divide it within 3 parts-
- Learning about trading and it’s basic terms
- learning about candle charts
- Types of Trading and traders
And learn only one thing at a time don’t look at another topic without clearing one.
3. Learn like you have to teach it-
There is a well-known old Latin principle Docendo discimus—”the best way to learn is to teach”
If you want to learn effectively then teach somebody or assume you have to teach it to someone. This is the most effective way to learn.
According to a study done at Washington University in St. Louis. The expectation changes your mind-set so that you engage in more effective approaches to learning than those who simply learn to pass a test, according to John Nestojko, a postdoctoral researcher in psychology and coauthor of the study.
4. Be consistent not overloaded-
Our habit of doing work at a single time can work in multiple field but not in learning, Because Learning needs consistency and perseverance not overloading.
Think this way, You want to learn piano, you get motivated and practiced piano for 4 hours on that day and never practiced for one week. What do you think what would happen? Yes! You will forget what you learned one week earlier.
On the other hand if you practice half hour daily for piano and after one week you can learn something.
5. Learn in chunks (use POMODORO)-
As I mentioned, learning in chunks and consistently is an effective way of learning
Experts at the Louisiana State University’s Center for Academic Success suggest dedicating 30-50 minutes to learning new material. Ellen Dunn (learning strategies graduate assistant) writes “Anything less than 30 is just not enough, but anything more than 50 is too much information for your brain to take in at one time,”. Once you’re done, take a five to 10-minute break before you start another session.
I suggest you to use Pomodoro technique
In it, you have to take a task do it for 25 min, then take a short break of 5 minutes, and a big break after every 4 pomodoro.
6. Take naps if needed-
We often forget about this thing. We keep learning and learning, yes we use pomodoro but naps or a big break between two major learning can improve your performance.
In an experiment held in France, participants were taught the Swahili translation for 16 French words in two sessions. Participants in the “wake” group completed the first learning session in the morning and the second session in the evening of the same day, while participants in the “sleep” group completed the first session in the evening, slept, and then completed the second session the following morning. Participants who had slept between sessions recalled about 10 of the 16 words, on average, while those who hadn’t slept recalled only about 7.5 words.
Psychological scientist Stephanie Mazza, of the University of Lyon writes “Our results suggest that interweaving sleep between practice sessions leads to a twofold advantage, reducing the time spent relearning and ensuring a much better long-term retention than practice alone,”.
“Previous research suggested that sleeping after learning is definitely a good strategy, but now we show that sleeping between two learning sessions greatly improves such a strategy.”
7. Change if Needed- you can Try different ways or mentors to learn one thing (but one at a time)-
To solve any problem or learn anything you can take any mentor or way. But remember you must apply that and if that is not working for you then move to another way.
Be cautious otherwise you might end up travelling in two boats.
According to a new study at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. In an experiment, participants were asked to learn a computer-based task. Those who used a modified learning technique during their second session performed better than those who repeated the same method.
Pablo A. Celnik, senior study author and professor of physical medicine and rehabilitation writes, The findings suggest that reconsolidation, a process in which existing memories are recalled and modified with new knowledge–plays a key role in strengthening motor skills.
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