12 Minute Affiliate Review: Is this Affiliate Program Good For You?

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Hey, Guys Dean Here! As you already heard about 12 minute affiliate system on various social medium like Some blogs, YouTube, or any Article. But you can’t decide if 12minute affiliate system is good for you or not.

So Here I come with my Pinpoint and deeply tested 12-minute affiliate review.

But before starting Let me give you my Report Card, &

Why should you Listen to me??

I am Dean, and I am an Online Entrepreneur. When I was in my initial learning stage, I tried many courses, Tools to find my way; some worked, and many didn’t.

So I thought, why not make a website which will help Beginner Entrepreneurs to decide on the proper Tools and courses in their journey? So I created CRITICEYE.COM.

Now Why should you listen to me???

You should listen to me because I tested hundreds of courses and I analyze them deeply if they provide value or not.

I personally test them for at least 1 month and then I choose products on my research basis.

Let me be clear to you These products have Affiliate links and if you buy from these links this site will get a commission which is important to run this website.

and Last but not least Courses and Tools are rated on a scale of 5 Stars.

So we talked about enough about me. Now let’s start 12-minute affiliate reviews with their overview-


CREATORDevon Brown
PRODUCT NAME12-Minute Affiliate System
REFUND POLICY14 days money-back guarantee
SUPPORT Effective response within hours
NICHEAffiliate Marketing
12 minute affiliate system Overview

Who is Devon Brown?

Devon Brown Creator of12 minute affiliate
Devon Brown

Devon Brown (@TheDevonBrown) is the creator of the 12 minute affiliate system.

He’s also a lot of other things – an Internet EntrepreneurBloggerSuccess CoachSpeaker. I found these details on his social Media Profile.

 If you’re a ClickFunnels user, you might know that this guy has shown up at FHL (Funnel Hacking Live) a couple of times.

Still not sure, this is that guy…

So matter of fact — He is a real person with legitimate authority in his field.

What is 12 minute affiliate—

So the biggest question of all—

What is 12 minute affiliate?

Is it another money making scheme which will promise and fail eventually???

or is it set of tool which will make you millionaire???

So the answer is NO…

It is not another sugar coated money making scheme.

 It’s an affiliate marketing training program with actionable and easy steps that beginners can leverage to make money online without starting a website, YouTube channel or something else.

They provide you with everything you need from training to funnels, from products (that you choose) to traffic and proper support.

Since you just have to copy and paste the steps provided (later in the article), you can probably call it a system.

I tried this program and the inside view looks like this-

You will get a lot of resources and tools when you will enter the program. But let me answer this Question…

Why is it Named 12 minute affiliate system?

It is named 12 minute affiliate system Because it only takes 12 minutes to start it up with its funnels, autoresponder, and tracking set up, but that doesn’t mean you’ll start making money within 12 minutes.

Anything good takes time to build, same with Affiliate marketing.

It is not a get rich quick scheme. You have to work on it properly.

You can’t expect a single system to make you millions overnight, and if you are expecting that, then let me burst your bubble. Because only then you can see the reality.

This affiliate system is so much beginner-friendly and mostly cheap to buy by a beginner. You can invest in it without any second thought.

is 12 minute affiliate legit or scam?

As a student and an analyzer of 12minute affiliate and seen Devon for a long time in his field, I can surely tell you it is legit.

and … 12 Minute Affiliate is not a scam. 

But as a Critic, I analyzed this system if it is valuable or not.

And I found that you can start earning. If you apply his tactics, then You will earn money for sure. But it can’t make you a Millionaire. This program is a Beginner’s step to your Online Entrepreneurship Journey.

The beauty of the program is that You can try it only for $9.95 for 14 days and if you are not happy with the product you can cancel it anytime. Which is pretty cheap for a system like this.

But you have to be a Action Taker and Expect what is real.

12 minute affiliate Price

I found many 12 minute affiliate reviews on the web, but they failed to tell people How much it cost and How it works.

and posts which are talks about it, They talked in a sentence which is difficult to find in an article.

So Here are full 12 minute affiliate Cost and upsells-

Trial Period – 

When you get to try this program, you will first see they are offering you Test Drive only for $9.95 for 14 days, and after that, they are offering the program less than the price of coffee.

But Don’t think they are offering 12 minute affiliate system free download.

You’ll have to pay $44 per month to keep using the 12 minute affiliate system.

Upsells –

After a trial period they are offering you mainly two upsells in member’s area

Basic membership: You’re getting the basic membership when you first sign up to them. This is priced at $47 per month or a one-time fee of $397 for a Year.

Gold membership: It will cost you $97 per month or a one-time fee of $797 for a year.

The main difference between the Basic and Gold membership is the number of niches you can use on your affiliate business.

How does 12 minute affiliate Work ( Quickstart Guide)

Now, after buying, your next step would be 12 minute affiliate system login page, and after login, there are mainly 5 steps to get started with this program. Let’s go briefly over them.

12 Minute Affiliate Checklist
12 Minute Affiliate Checklist

Step #1: Create A Free Affiliate Account within 2 Minutes

This is a straightforward step. In this step, you have to create a CLICKBANK affiliate account so that you can promote a product as an Affiliate Marketer by promoting it, making sales, and finally Earn commission from that sale.

Creating Clickbank Account
Creating Clickbank Account

It is like opening a Facebook account, and if you already have a Clickbank account then you can skip this step to the next step-

Step #2: Get your Auto-Responder within 2 Minutes

Now let me first tell you what is an Auto-Responder?

Auto-responder is a tool that allows you to send automated emails to your subscribers without sending them manually.

Because there would be a ton of emails you have to send and if you are doing it manually is too much time-consuming.

Software endorsed by the 12 Minute Affiliate system is AWeber.

Devon provides this software free for the first 30 days, But after that, you’ll need to buy it by yourself for $19 per month (for 500 subscribers).

Setting up Auto-Responder

But it can outsource a lot of work.

And if you see via affiliate business point of view, you will find that most people (who have 500 email subscribers) earn $1 for an email subscriber. That means you can earn at least $500 per month, depending on the quality of the email list.

But if you don’t want to use AWeber then you are free to use and integrate an autoresponder of your choice.

Step #3: Set up your Auto-Responder within 2 Minutes

Now in this step you’ll be loading email swipes to your Email Autoresponder.

In 12 Minute Affiliate System, You’ll get 80 swipes that you can simply upload to your account easily, and you are good to go.

In AWeber, you will be able to auto-generate emails with your own affiliate links and then have them sent to subscribers on a daily basis.

setting up Autoresponder
Setting up Autoresponder

Just Like- Email #1 — On Day 1
Email #2 — On Day 2
Email #3 — On Day 3 and so on.

Step #4: Activate your 12 Minute affiliate Funnels

As shown below, you’ll be placing your affiliate ID (depending on the niches you choose) in this step. There are many funnels are already added to your account, and you will not need any sales funnel or third party software like Clickfunels

You can choose any (already made) template shown in the library to promote various products in the different niches you choose.

Activating 12 Minute affiliate Funnels
Activating 12 Minute affiliate Funnels

BTW if you don’t have much time, then you can pay to play. They have a Done For You setup that is helpful.

Buying Clicks in 12 Minute affiliate Funnels
Buying Clicks in 12 Minute affiliate Funnels

Step #5: Get Traffic

In this step you have two ways to get traffic to your affiliate offer.

First, Get traffic by traditional methods like web forums, SEO, YouTube, and other Organic methods, which takes time. and

Second, You will get this E-book with training for the traffic.

Getting Traffic in
Getting Traffic

But Let me breakdown second way of getting traffic

Can you trust it blindly???

Answer is No…

In any online business the main thing is Traffic, Or we can say Quality Traffic.

It is like you have a beautiful shop and no customer then it is worthless.

Now in a second way, you are doing Paid traffic. You’ll be buying clicks, and they’ll set up everything for you. Depending on your industry, it can cost anywhere from $1 per click to $3 per click or more.

Now let’s calculate, if you pay $100 for 100 clicks then you can’t make everyone buy your product, Maybe 25-30% might convert into buyers ( sometimes only 2 to 5%)

and if you have low ticket product worth $50 and you spent $200 for 200 Clicks and only 15 converts

which means $50*15 =$750

Means $750 – $200= $550 Profit

So as you see you have to think like a complete businessman, How much to spend on Traffic or you are going for organic traffic.

Be careful, and use organic traffic in the beginning, and after some testing, you can go for Paid traffic.

12 Minute Affiliate Review 2021 How does the System Work ( Quickstart Guide)

Pros. of 12 minute affiliate

There are many pros with this product, Some of them are given below—

  • Devon Brown has excellent authority in his field, and he knows what he is doing, which makes his product legit.
  • This program is easy to use for Beginners (12 minute affiliate is Beginner Friendly).
  • This product delivers what it promises.
  • You can make money through affiliate marketing.
  • Cheaper than the other similar programs.
  • Support is awesome.
  • The success rate is good.
  • Built-in Landing Pages and funnels for free.
  • 14 days money-back guarantee.

Cons. of 12 minute affiliate

  • There is no training to build your understanding of Affiliate Marketing.
  • Websites are assets of any Online Business, and 12 minute affiliate has nothing to do with websites.
  • You can earn but without learning many skills.
  • Not much sustainable if you don’t use your email list right.

Reviews & Testimonials

I didn’t find any negative review or accusing 12 minute affiliate of a scam in my research. But here are some people talking about the product in one of Devon Brown’s Post—

12 Minute Affiliate Testimonials
12 Minute Affiliate Testimonials

My Suggestion on 12 Minute Affiliate

Overall, This product is Awesome and provides great value as it promises.

As I mentioned, you will not get many skills or deep knowledge about affiliate marketing. Sure, It can generate money, but you can’t expand your business without skills.

Most of all, you will get a chance to start, and you can get the confidence that you can earn online. Because as per too many scams, many people lost their faith in Online earnings. I can assure you that you can earn easily if you are willing to put in some work and perseverance.

and you can not get that feeling unless you are doing or investing something.

The plus point is you can try it only for $9.95 with 14 days money back guarantee.

So Start trying and applying things.

You can’t make things working only by thinking. You have to start somewhere.


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