How to Start a Blog in 2023 & make money: Complete step by step Guide For A Beginner.

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First of all If you Don’t know What blog is, What is Blogging or a Blogger & How they make money, Then check this article-

What is a Blog? – What is Blogging, and Who is a Blogger? How they actually Make Money?
What is A Blog?

Why you should start a Blog
Why you should start a Blog

How did I Start Blogging?

Howdy, Dean here; I am an engineering graduate but an Entrepreneur and Blogger by profession.

How to start a blog How to start a blog How to start a blog How to start a blog

I used to be a hardcore Gamer (still I am), After my graduation, I sit in my room and play games and study for (interviews) jobs and exams, But I never wanted to go for a job. 9 to 5 never passionate me like my friends; they always talked about How their lives would be when they would get their dream jobs. How would they spend money.

I don’t know if that was my reactance, But I didn’t want to do any job. But I didn’t know what to do, How to do it. So to get away from my anxiety, I used to play a lot of games, always on my smartphone and laptop or Watching Netflix.

One day I was surfing the internet like I usually do to avoid my anxiety about Job and career; I searched “How to make money online”— Many articles showed on SERP, I saw many, mostly I knew them before. But Blogging was new. I researched that, tried it; first, I started a blog on a blogger, But as my Niche(we will talk about it ahead) was not selected, I didn’t know how that works, So that was a great fail. After some time, I researched further on blogging topic and saw many bloggers suggests to make a blog with a niche; they talked about many things like

  • Niche Selection.
  • Topic and Keyword Research.
  • Traffic via SEO & SEM.
  • Monetization.

However, I didn’t know anything about it. I learned about these things. I launched a blog

(You are on my blog, Bazinga!!).

With my blogging career, I started my Entrepreneur Journey. Because blogging doesn’t take much investment, It was a great starting point.

I was excited and too stoked up by doing things that my circle never think of.

With blogging you can-

  1. Get rid of a 9-5 job and Do what you love (World Tour).
  2. Financial Freedom.
  3. Work from anywhere
  4. Can make money while you are sleeping.
  5. You don’t have to set the alarm to go to the office and work for someone else.
  6. You will do what you love.

Although the problem with people is to doubt themselves, I know that I underestimated myself because I used to. I thought, If I am doing engineering, then only getting a job in engineering is the only way of success, But guess what I was wrong, and so you are if you think this way

This happens when we don’t know who we are? what we love to do?

always remember,

You can earn money by providing value, Not by a fancy degree. A degree is only proof that you are skilled in a particular field.


People always ask me, Can you really make money (full-time income) with Blogging?

My mind always says, “Really??? Aren’t people already doing that?”

I think Blogging is one of the most evergreen careers in the world. This won’t obsolete as technology advances.

Most importantly, you will do what you love, and Don’t panic if you are terrible or never had any writing experience. You have to be passionate about your topic what you are going to blog about.

After a college degree, you can get a $40000 per year salary, but Many bloggers’ incomes are more than $50000 per month and bloggers who are tycoons, making eight income figures.

How to start a blog How to start a blog How to start a blog How to start a blog

How much Money BLOGGERS make Monthly
How much Money BLOGGERS make Monthly

Doubts and Myths That stopping people from starting a blog-

1.Starting a Blog site is Expensive-

Starting a blog is most efficient and cheap, as it takes only $2.95/month. You can afford it by skipping a Netflix subscription 😋.

2. I Don’t know anything technical about the Website or Hosting-

Relax, at the end of this article, every problem and doubt about technical aspects would be gone forever, and ask me anything in comments if you get any trouble understanding anything. I am always happy to help.

3. My English is not that strong, and I don’t know How to write-

Don’t worry, Most bloggers, including me, never completed English Literature from Stanford University 😆, and you don’t need that either.

You have to know your blogging field or Niche; after that, you can use many tools in the market, which will help you with your grammar and writing skills.

4. Growing a Blog takes too much time-

But Before answering to this doubt, I would like to ask you a question-

What are you doing or going to do in your career. How much time took you to learn that?

For example, If you are a CA, it took you 5-7 years to study and get a proper job.

The same happens in any field. Blogging is not a get rich quick scheme, and It takes time too.

Growing something is not easy, but you can achieve it with your perseverance, passion, and motivation.

If you listen to successful bloggers, it took them 10-12 months to get sufficient traffic (20000/month) to start a proper income.

But after that they tripled, quadrupled, quintupled their growth.

Even after that this time is lesser than your academic 9-5 jobs.

Ready to learn How to start your own blog?

Let us Dive In
Let’s Learn

I know, How I struggled reading someone’s article on How to, and mostly they write something I couldn’t understand. So Don’t worry. It is a step by step guide, and even after that you couldn’t understand something, then comment below; I will be happy to help you.

Lets Go Banner

Overview (quick start cheat sheet)

Searching to get a barebones, quick start manual to begin as quickly as possible? Within this part, we will not cover everything, just the vital measures.

First, you will need a concept and a title for your blog.
From there, visit Bluehost and subscribe to the basic plan. It is $2.95 a month if you register for 3 years in progress. Although you can buy for a yearly subscription, that would be $4.95/month. You can purchase as per your budget (step by step process ahead in the article)

Next, follow the directions to establish your accounts. Jump all of the bundle extras except for domain name privacy + security. The excess privacy would be well worth the investment.
End setting up your accounts, and you officially have your very own little bit of the web. Congratulations!
However, do not observe too hard just yet–we are not quite completed. From there, you Want to:

  1. Install WordPress (your blogging system )
  2. Pick and install a cheap/affordable theme.
  3. Compose and publish your first blog post.
  4. Stick to a regular publishing schedule.

As soon as you’ve got the first few posts below your belt and traffic begins to stream in, it would be best if you began considering the way you wish to produce your initial $1.
It is possible to research dozens of monetization procedures, from selling advertising space to digital/physical merchandise offerings and affiliate advertising.

Now let us go through the full process in detail-

1. Niche selection-

What is Niche?

A blog niche is a specific topic you’ll write (or create other types of content) about on your blog.

Mostly Bloggers would say you start a blog in that niche that you passionate about; And yes, they are right in their position. You will earn money eventually if you keep working continuously, but how much would you earn and how much time would it take.

So let me clarify something here. Money is not about opening a blog and fill it with garbage; until your articles or content can’t provide value. In simple words, if your written articles can’t help someone in any field, till then, you can’t make any money.

So if your object is to only make money, Then get into a most earning niche, Later when you will have sufficient money then you can follow your passion and make another blog on that with your team.

Most Earning Blogging Niches are

  1. Health & fitness.
  2. Make Money Online/ Internet Marketing
  3. Personal Finance.
  4. Fashion.
  5. Lifestyle.
  6. Business & marketing.
  7. Technology & Gaming.
  8. Travel
  9. Personal Development
  10. Amazon Niche Blogs
  11. Beauty and Fashion
  12. Food
  13. Home Decor
  14. Parenting
  15. Arts and Entertainment
  16. Education and Learning

You can select one of the above blog, which you like the most.

2. Ask yourself How you can provide value-

As we discussed providing value to others can bring you more money.

Let’s take an example-

You love dogs, you have a Dog, and you started a blog on your Dog. You constantly write a blog about your dog, How you fun with him and how you feed him, what fun things he can do.

Answer me would that make money?

Yes, It will. But actually, many people are doing that. And a blog is named iHeartdogs makes million-dollar with their website.

But if you see most earning blog websites, they might be selling something or referring(affiliation) some item to you. This means they are providing value to people in exchange for money.

So the point is –

you have to think, How can you provide value in the long run, Yes in the beginning, you need motivation, So choose a niche you like and love to explore( if you are not interested in any above niches, comment below, I will provide more)

3. Choose a domain name and website name-

Now it is time to naming your blog.

This is the brand. It is how people will recall.

But do not overthink it. The magic of a new becomes constructed over time. Even if you are feeling trapped, keep moving ahead.

The ideal approach to land the ideal name would be, to begin with, brainstorming. In the previous step, we spoke about unleashing all your thoughts and nailing your niche selection.

Thus, open a new spreadsheet or grab a pencil and paper. Then spend approximately ten minutes writing down every word which springs to mind.

From that point, start blending words and phrases before something stands out to you.

Now, it is time to find out if these names are accessible as domain names. A domain name is where your site resides online.

Just like my domain name

I suggest picking a unique name for your site. That will make it a whole lot easier to market the website in case you ever wish to.

How can we see if domain names are available?

Once you click on the search button, you will see whether the name you selected is currently in use.

Keep trying your prospective names before a choice you like can be obtained. If not, one of your prospective names can be found as a. Com, return to the start and maintain brainstorming.

It may require some effort to obtain the ideal title and domain name for your site, but it is well worth it.

Here are some additional tips for Selecting a Superb domain name:

  1. Always Pick a. Com for more potential.
  2. But Avoid numbers, hyphens, and special characters in the domain.
  3. Ought to be simple to state and comprehend
  4. Prevent complex and commonly misspelled words.

4. Purchasing A Domain & Hosting-

there are three steps in this process-

  • Purchase a Domain Name
  • Select a Web Hosting Provider & Setting up your hosting Accounts
  • Install WordPress

Let’s talk about each one-

Domain Purchase-

When you’ve chosen a domain name, and it is available for purchase, another step is to purchase it!
Already decided to utilize Bluehost as your own hosting provider? Because They offer more detailed measures under entering or buying your domain name and setting up your hosting account all at one time.

There are many hosting companies out there, but Bluehost must definitely be on top of anybody’s list to get a WordPress website. WordPress advocates Bluehost for hosting and continues to be for over ten decades.
To prepare your hosting account using Bluehost, follow the steps below.

It will accelerate considering a domain name that you need to use and getting your charge card for payment prepared to proceed before you begin.

Establish Your Hosting Account-
Buying a domain
Buying a Domain

So, To begin, visit Bluehost’s home page and click on”Get Started.” If you already have a domain name, you can enter it, and you’ll need to go through a couple of additional actions to be certain that you receive your own DNS pointed to Bluehost. If you do not already have a domain name, you can buy 1 directly in the signup procedure, and also, the best part is it comes with your new handled WordPress hosting account buy.

Domain Name
Domain Name

Afterward, you are going to select which hosting package you desire. The longer-term you buy, the lower your monthly fee is going to be to save you cash. By way of instance, by picking a 36-month hosting duration, you can find a fantastic starting rate of $3.95/month. And, since you have selected the server with Bluehost, in case you ever want more than just a shared hosting account, Bluehost provides easy upgrades to VPS or dedicated server hosting accounts from within your control panel.
You will find several different offers supplied at sign-up, which you can include at your own discretion. We advocate Domain Privacy, a paid service that allows private data to be kept confidential on WHOIS databases.

Bluehost Plans
Bluehost Plans

When you have filled in your data and picked your own hosting package, click on the “Next” button to complete your purchase. You will then be asked to make a password to your account, and You can use the Password Generator to make a robust and protected password or make yourself. Because It’s necessary to possess capital and lowercase letters, a few, and a distinctive character (?! #, etc.) to have a powerful enough password to secure your account. Now that you’re signed up and can log in to your accounts, you can begin installing WordPress!

Bluehost checkout
Bluehost checkout
Bluehost checkout
Bluehost checkout

Installing WordPress-

This might look like the most complex measure, however, Bluehost has worked tirelessly to create this one of the simplest things that you perform using the newest MOJO Marketplace for installing WordPress along with other programs. This may take you to a webpage within MOJO Marketplace called Scripts and Programs. The site section is in the very best, so all you’ve got to do this is click the WordPress icon.

This may open the setup window. Click the “Start” button which will begin the WordPress setup procedure, which includes a couple of easy steps.

Step 1: Select where you need to set up WordPress.

This may be any domain name in your account, or even a subdomain or a folder to get one of your domain names. Then click “Check DomainName,” that will be certain the domain is pointing and assigned into your accounts. You might find a warning that you’re overwriting files, however so long as you do not have any website constructed nonetheless you may check the box and then keep. This is mainly to be certain you truly wish to put in it in this place. Should you have other websites constructed, you are going to need to be certain that you’re not overwriting something significant.

Step 2: Assess Your Domain

This section permits you to set your username and password to your WordPress setup. It’s suggested to use another username than”admin” and an extremely strong password. Ensure the”Automatically create a new database for this particular setup” box has been checked unless you’ve got a database set up which you need to utilize.

Step 3: WordPress Installation-

Once you have read the stipulations, check the box indicating that you have done this, then click”Install Now”

Today you’ll find the advancement webpage, and this will reveal to you just how far over the setup is. After WordPress is completely set up, it is going to offer you your website URL, the admin login URL, your username, password, and your own password. You’ll find a copy of the advice, except the password, on your email too. Be certain that you keep it in a secure location.

So, now You can log in to your WordPress website by visiting the admin login URL. This will take one on a WordPress dashboard.

5. Install Theme-

Following the preceding step, the next thing you have to do would be to apply a theme for your own blog. There are literally tons of free themes you’ll find under the Look →Themes on your blog dash.

Should you like to get a more superior, professional, and customizable theme, my #1 suggestion will be the ocean wp theme (I use it on all my websites ). You may see many site-building tutorials on youtube. If you have trouble making your blog website, then comment below; I’d suggest some tutorial videos to make a proper good looking site


Now after employing your favorite theme, all you need to do is, Launch your own blog.

6. Start writing Your Articles-

Now it is time to start writing content, First complete At least 10 to 15 articles on your blog, then cover more advanced topics like plugins, keyword research, traffic, website speed, etc., in my upcoming blog article.


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