How to Make $100 a Day Trading Cryptocurrency

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For the past few months, I have been trading cryptocurrencies on Binance. As a novice, I can attest to the fact that it has been an incredible journey filled with extreme highs and even more extreme lows. I have seen some cryptocurrency pairs increase by 11,000%, 800%, 200%, and on occasion even 5%. Due to the extreme volatility of cryptocurrencies, I have occasionally managed to multiply my money by 400% in a single week just to lose all of these profits the next. I don’t hoard cryptocurrency heavily since I can’t afford to.

I don’t have any spare cash that I could stash there as I wait for it to rise and for me to witness its insane highs and lows over months or even years. Particularly in the second year of a worldwide pandemic, money is extremely limited. And for a venture to best serve me and my current circumstances, my money needs to be coming in and going out of it. I wanted a method that would work best for me because of these factors. And this is what I came up with after some experience. On Binance, I trade cryptocurrency.

I discovered after using the program for a few months that at least 50 distinct trading pairs can get a daily increase of 10–20%. In rare circumstances, some can reach absurd highs of 800% in a single day! A select few achieve raises of 100%, while others have increases of 40% to 80%.

Since they are the regular occurrences and the center of this story, I usually concentrate on the ones that rise by 10% to 20% per day at this point. Only spot trading is covered by this approach.

What is Cryptocurrency?

A cryptocurrency is a digital currency or virtual currency that has been secured with cryptography. This makes it almost impossible to counterfeit and double-spend. Many cryptocurrencies are distributed networks that use blockchain technology, which is a distributed ledger that is enforced by many computers. The key feature of cryptocurrencies is their inability to be issued by any central authority. It makes them theoretically impervious to government manipulation or interference.


  1. A cryptocurrency is a digital asset that relies on a distributed network of computers. They can exist independently of central authorities and governments because they have a decentralized structure.
  2. Cryptocurrency is the name of encryption technique used to protect the network.
  3. Many cryptocurrencies include blockchains as an integral component. They are organizational methods that ensure the integrity of transactional information.
  4. Experts believe that blockchain technology and related technology will disrupt many industries, including law and finance.
  5. There are many reasons why cryptocurrencies have been criticized, including their illegal use, volatility in exchange rates, and vulnerability of the infrastructure that underpins them. They have also been praised for their transparency, portability, divisibility, and resistance to inflation.

Understanding Cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrencies allow secure online payments and are denominated using virtual tokens, represented internally by the system’s ledger entries. Cryptography refers to various encryption algorithms and cryptographic methods that protect these entries. These include elliptical curve encryption and public-private key pair pairs, and hashing functions.

Watch This Video To Know About Cryptocurrency & Blockchain-

Different types of Cryptocurrency

Bitcoin was the first Cryptocurrency to be built on blockchain technology. It is still the most widely used and most valuable. There are many alternative cryptocurrencies available today, each with its functions and specifications. Some are clones of Bitcoin or forks, while others are brand new currencies.

Bitcoin was created in 2009 by an individual/group known as ” Satoshi Nakamoto” There were more than 18.8 million bitcoins currently in circulation, with a market cap of approximately $858.9billion. This number is constantly changing. 

The “altcoins” are a variety of competing cryptocurrencies that were created by Bitcoin’s success. These include Litecoin and Peercoin. The total value of all cryptocurrencies will be more than $1.8 trillion by Aug. 2021. Bitcoin currently accounts for 46.5%.

Important Note- While Cryptocurrency is marketed as a money form, the Internal Review Service considers it a financial asset. The government will want a share of any capital gains you make by trading or selling Cryptocurrency. The U.S. Department of the Treasury published a proposal on May 20, 2021, that required taxpayers to report cryptocurrency transactions exceeding $10,000 to the IRS. The same tax treatment of the proceeds–as capital gains, ordinary income, or capital gains–depends upon how long the taxpayer had held the Cryptocurrency.

1:Start with a stablecoin:

How to Make $100 a Day Trading Cryptocurrency

Starting with stablecoins is one of the simplest ways to trade cryptocurrencies and earn $100 each day. Cryptocurrencies referred to be stablecoins are those that are linked to a reliable asset, like gold or the US dollar. As a result, there is less chance of significant price fluctuations, giving traders a more stable trading environment. Stablecoins that are well-liked are TrueUSD (TUSD), USD Coin (USDC), and Tether (USDT).

2: Follow the news:

How to Make $100 a Day Trading Cryptocurrency

The bitcoin market is quite erratic and subject to many influences, including shifts in regulations, world events, and market emotion. You must keep up with the most recent events and news if you want to trade cryptocurrencies and earn $100 a day. It is advised to follow reputable news sources, Twitter accounts, newsletters, and blogs about cryptocurrencies.

3: Set realistic goals:

How to Make $100 a Day Trading Cryptocurrency

Setting reasonable objectives is crucial, even though the thought of trading cryptocurrencies and earning $100 a day may sound alluring. This necessitates evaluating your time, skill sets, and risk tolerance. Always have a clear exit strategy in place and never invest more than you can afford to lose. Having a reserve of money that you are willing to put in a trader without anticipating enormous returns is also crucial.

4:Choose the right exchange:

How to Make $100 a Day Trading Cryptocurrency

The Bitcoin exchange you use can have a big impact on how well you trade. It is imperative to search for exchanges that are well-established, trustworthy, and reputed, with affordable rates and top-notch security features. A few well-known cryptocurrency exchanges are Coinbase, Kraken, and Binance.

Advantages and disadvantages of Cryptocurrency


Cryptocurrencies promise that they make it easy to transfer funds between two parties directly, without the need for any third party such as a bank or credit card company. Instead, these transfers are secured using public keys and private keys and different incentive systems like Proof of Work and Proof of Stake.

Modern cryptocurrency systems have a ” wallet” or account address. The public key has to be known by the owner, and the private key is only used to sign transactions. Users can avoid paying high fees for wire transfers from banks and financial institutions by transferring funds with minimal fees.


Because cryptocurrency transactions are semi-anonymous, they can be used for illegal activities such as money laundering or tax avoidance. Cryptocurrency advocates are often proud of their anonymity. They cite the benefits of privacy, such as protection for whistleblowers and activists living in repressive countries. Some cryptocurrencies are more private than others.

For example, Bitcoin is not a good choice for illegal online businesses. However, authorities have been able to identify and arrest criminals using forensic analysis of Bitcoin’s blockchain. 7 Other privacy-oriented coins, such as Dash, Monero, or ZCash, are more difficult to track.

Take Notes

Blockchain technology is central to the functionality and appeal of Bitcoin and another cryptocurrency. It is used to maintain an online ledger of all transactions. This ledger is shared by each node or computer that has a copy and can be accessed and agreed upon by the whole network. 

Experts believe blockchain technology has great potential for online voting and crowdfunding. Major financial institutions like JPMorgan Chase (JPMorgan) also see the potential to reduce transaction costs by streamlining payment processing. If a backup copy is not available, the digital cryptocurrency balance could be lost or destroyed. There is also no central authority, government, or corporation to access your funds and personal information.

$858.9 billion
Total market cap of Bitcoin, as of Aug. 2021

Criticisms of Cryptocurrency

Market prices for Cryptocurrency are determined by supply and demand. This means that the rate at which a cryptocurrency is exchangeable for another currency can fluctuate greatly. The design of many cryptocurrencies creates high levels of scarcity.

Bitcoin has seen rapid rises and falls in value. It reached $17,738 in December 2017 before falling to $7,575 the following month.

It is possible that Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are not rooted within any tangible goods. However, some research has shown that the market price of Bitcoin is directly linked to the cost of producing it.

Although cryptocurrency blockchains can be highly secure, other components of a cryptocurrency ecosystem, such as wallets and exchanges, are vulnerable to hacking. Several online exchanges were the victims of hacking over Bitcoin’s 10-year-old history. 10

Many people see potential benefits in Cryptocurrency, such as preserving value against inflation, facilitating exchange, and being simpler to transport and divide that precious metals. They also exist outside of the control of central banks or governments.

In Simple Words: What is Cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrencies allow secure online payments and are denominated as virtual tokens.

How do you get Cryptocurrency?

An investor can buy Cryptocurrency via crypto exchanges such as Coinbase, Cash App, and many more.

What is the point of Cryptocurrency?

Experts believe blockchain technology has great potential for online voting and crowdfunding. Major financial institutions like JPMorgan Chase (JPM) see the potential to lower transaction costs by streamlining payment processing.

How does Cryptocurrency make money?

Secure online payments can be made using cryptocurrencies. These currencies are denominated as virtual tokens, which are represented in ledger entries within the system. Investors have two options: mining Bitcoin or simply selling their Bitcoin for a profit.

Bitcoin is the most widely used Cryptocurrency. It is followed by other cryptocurrencies like Litecoin, Dogecoin, and Cardano.


In this article, We go through a complete detail of Cryptocurrency, But Do You Know You Can Earn Cryptocurrency Like Bitcoin and Dogecoin too. Here are the three ways I tried Online-

  1. Mining.
  2. Trading.
  3. Via Affiliate Marketing.

For detailed info, stay tuned for next week for the Next Week-

Till Then Sayonara, and Take Care.


How we can make $100 a day in cryptocurrency?

By spotting possible buy opportunities on Coin Market Cap, utilizing indicators like Bollinger Bands and RSI, and making fast in-and-out trades, you can make $100 per day trading cryptocurrencies.

What is the coin market cap?

Coin Market Cap is a website that compiles several cryptocurrencies and lets users monitor price changes and the health of their portfolios. By filtering and categorizing, users can find coins that have dropped drastically in value over a week, which may be used to uncover possible buy opportunities.

Which indicators should I use for cryptocurrency trading?

The speaker offers two indicators—the Bollinger Bands and the RSI—as a way to simplify the analysis of bitcoin trading. By purchasing when the price approaches the lower level of the Bollinger Band and selling when it hits the upper or median level, these indicators can assist novices in making lucrative trades.

How much profit can I make trading cryptocurrency?

Trading cryptocurrencies can yield daily profits of about 2-5%, with an average daily profit potential of $100. However, there are days when you can lose 3-4% and days when you can gain 20%.

How long should I stay in a trade?

When attempting to trade cryptocurrencies for $100 a day, it is advised to try to enter and exit trades during the day.

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