How to select Your Smartphone smartly

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Smartphones are an essential part of our day to day life. Everything from rather it is calling your friend in another country or clicking a photo, all in one tap ahead. Smartphones make our life easy.
Nowadays almost everyone has Smartphones. And we have to buy them from time to time but the problem is when we pick a smartphone without knowing our requirements. We buy a smartphone that some affiliate guy on youtube recommended Rather than doing self-research and after some time we realize that the phone doesn’t fulfill our requirements. Then we either sell it and purchase a new mobile or keep using that annoying phone

That is why We must know How to select a smartphone according to our (or for whom we purchase the smartphone) requirements

To make things easy I made a checklist below which I use everytime to research when buying a smartphone :

1. Know the User :-

Yes it is the fundamental things tho know without this you can’t research ahead

For convenience I divide them into 3 different user -:

  1. Low-End User
  2. Mid-End User
  3. High-End User

1 Low-End User – This kind of user use a smartphone only for basic purposes like calling, lite photography, and sometimes using one or two applications of video like youtube.

2 Mid-End User – This kind of user uses mobile for basic needs as well as little bit of gaming, camera or using applications of their use

3 High-End User – These users are top of the chain, Mainly They are using a smartphone for basic uses as well as heavy uses like gaming, Recording Videos, Editing Etc.
This user also categorize into some categories
1 Gamer
2 Camera lovers
3 Video Makers

2. Budget

Now the second most important thing is the Budget you choose same here there are 3 types of mobiles according to the Budget -:

  1. Low Budget
  2. Mid Range
  3. High Budget

You must set your budget according to your pocket.

3. Technical checklist

  1. Screen-: Do consider the screen aspect ratio, PPI and display type.
  2. CPU-: This is the main thing for you if your priority is performance. To get the best performance give priority to high clock speed CPU. But be cautious to check the quality. For example, snapdragon might have a lower speed than MediaTek in a particular price range but it can compromise your other things like GPU or inbuilt quality.
  3. GPU-: This is the most done mistake to be high-end users. They underestimate it many people don’t even see the GPU . Here they lose and end up a low graphic gaming or video editing mobile. So keep in mind for GPU too.
  4. Battery-: The unit of battery capacity is mAh.The more is mAh is the more mobile runs after charging.
  5. Charging speed-: Nowadays many new technologies like fast charging, woop charging are available which can charge your phone in minutes.
  6. Features-: Other features like FM, NFC, Bluetooth.
    check for the latest hardware version in the specification.
  7. Speakers and audio jack-: If you love to listen to the music then don’t forget to check for these specs.
  8. Looks and build quality-: As per your preference decide for color and material of your mobile.

4. Ask to Google

Now this is the time to ask to google about which smartphone is trending according to your budget and uses
To simplify this process I am providing you some keywords Rules templates and examples that you should search on google

Keywords Rules-:

  1. For LOW and MID END USERS -:

(TOP or BEST) 10 Mobiles under (YOUR BUDGET) (Time)

For example -: Top 10 mobiles under 10000 rs in September 2020


(TOP or BEST)( Desired Category) 10 Mobiles under (YOUR BUDGET) (Time)

For example -: Top Gaming mobiles under 20000 rs in September 2020

5. Make a list of 5 Best mobiles you like

Now it is the time to select your top 5 mobile according to your preference

6.Compare and Review

Now compare them on the basis of the technical checklist I provided and select your best mobile you want to buy and watch reviews on youtube but prefer to watch comparatively low views and high likes videos because they are not biased due to the affiliate market.

For comparison you can use many site but according to me none of them are better that’s why I am going to provide you a tool by us{under construction}.
Till then use smartprix

7. Order online

YOu can check offline stores if you want and if you are getting better deal offline grab it.But check for authenticity.
or order online like a lazy person like me

Good luck and congratulations on buying your new SMARTPHONE

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